Blessings thinly disguised


This week, LoveBooks received two requests for a set of encyclopedias.  Also this week, we were approached to receive a massive donation of books…. including somewhere around 10 sets of encyclopedias.  Have I mentioned that we’ve never received a single encyclopedia up to this point?  It’s just another example of prayers that are petitioned in the name of giving, answered with miraculous clarity.

A huge thanks goes to the Madison Church of the Nazarene, which donated those three van loads of books, left over from their now-defunct school.  Equally exciting is the learning experience that boxing and loading all those books became to several young volunteers.


How cool that LoveBooks is not only benefiting the children that receive the books, but it is serving as tool to demonstrate the joy to be found in serving others.


It was a huge service project and undertaking, accomplished by some tough women and children volunteers.


kids service project

After a hard morning’s work, Abel (age 6) said “At least we know we did something good”.