LoveBooks Presents to the Chamber of Commerce


Word is getting out!  Health and life insurance agency owner Eric Jans presented the concept and ministry behind LoveBooks to the Nashville Chamber of Commerce at their monthly First Wednesday Coffee.

Eric Jans presenting LoveBooks to the Nashville Chamber of Commerce

Eric Jans presenting LoveBooks to the Nashville Chamber of Commerce

Coincidentally, Book’em, a similar organization that also collects and distributes books for disadvantaged children, also presented.

So what’s the distinction between LoveBooks and Book’em? Book’em focuses more on distributing books to larger organizations like schools. They also go into schools and read to the students and develop relationships with kids. How awesome is that?

It was wonderful getting the chance to bring awareness to the intention and hope behind LoveBooks as well as meeting the people from Book’em. We’re looking forward to working with them in some capacity in the future!